Hello, and thank you for returning !
I hope everyone is having an awesome autumn. Are the leaves falling off of the trees in your area? I live in the SF Bay Area and the leaves on our trees have not fallen completely. There are only a scattered few on the ground. We have a variety of trees here. The largest ones are the Sapphire Dragons at around 50 ft here where I live. They bloom beautiful lavender color flowers in the spring/early summer. Bees gather upon the them in summer and you can feel their buzzing vibration if you dare walk under the trees. The leaves are large ranging 6-12 inches in length. They have not budged off of the branches as of today. However, their seed pods have! The seed pods are in clusters and reminds me of grapes in an excessive size. The pods will weigh the branch down so much that the branch will snap off. Not to mention, the seeds are sticky. This makes for a complete work out for cleaning it up. It is all worth it to me. The beauty the Sapphire Dragon tree holds is unique. I have been asked by neighbors and passers what type of tree it is. They too are mesmerized by them . You also can grow them easily from a seed. I will describe more about other trees here on another blog. Please see pictures below of Sapphire dragon trees.Have a good day everyone.